Reason Men Should Not Watch Porn Videos

Men watch porn seems to have become a natural thing today. Scattered porn videos on the internet and can be accessed not only by adults but also by children and teenagers though. But the researchers suggested that men began to stop watching porn videos now. What is the reason?

Researchers found that often watch porn will damage the sexual life of men. Although men often use video porn to arouse sexual desire or explore their wild fantasies, but the researchers found that the more men watch porn videos the greater the chance for him to reflect porn videos on their own sexual lives.

As a result, men often want to perform a sex act in a porn video of her partner. The more porn videos watched, the man will get addicted and dependent on the porn videos to satisfy his sexual desires.

Most of the sexual act in a porn video was the same as that happens in the real world. Often, porn videos showing sexual violence that certainly can not be done against the couple. This then makes the sexual life of men corrupted. Because they will not be able to feel satisfaction as expected from video porn with their partner. Porn video will distort their perceptions of sexual intercourse with a partner in the real world.

The results obtained after the researchers conducted a survey of 487 men in the United States aged 18 to 29 years. Ana Bridges of the University of Arkansas, one of the researchers, explained that too often watch porn will make him addicted and too dependent on the video to get sexual satisfaction in the real world.

The men, if you still want to enjoy sexual pleasure and intimacy with your partner, it is better not to watch too much porn videos and too dependent on action in porn videos.
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