How to quit smoking is actually not so difficult. Most people quit smoking after feeling the adverse effects of smoking. For those of you who are already addicted to smoking may be difficult to leave this habit quickly. This time Talkmen will provide some tips for those who are currently planning or already have the intention to quit smoking.
The first thing when you decide to quit smoking but do not know the purpose of why you decided to stop then it will not succeed. Therefore you should have more specific reasons and strong, for example: Intend that you want to protect people who are around you or commonly referred to as passive smokers. You can also begin to motivate yourself by imagining the risk of lung cancer that you can suffer from too much consumption of cigarettes. With the more specific reasons, it can help as your motivation.
Support from people nearby
If you want to really quit smoking then ask for help from your family for a reminder of your intentions. In addition to the role of the family closest friends, you can help your efforts to quit smoking. Remind them of your intentions to quit smoking because if you memeberitahu them, then surely they will help your efforts to quit smoking.
If you want to really quit smoking then ask for help from your family for a reminder of your intentions. In addition to the role of the family closest friends, you can help your efforts to quit smoking. Remind them of your intentions to quit smoking because if you memeberitahu them, then surely they will help your efforts to quit smoking.
Recognize Time and situation where you Most Smoking
For smokers there is a time where smoking is most commonly done. Such as when waiting, after eating, hanging out with my friends, or even while being bereft of ideas in the works. You have to switch the habit by doing other activities, such as chewing gum as a replacement.
Perform Sports Regularly
One of your motivation to stop smoking course for health reasons is not it? If you really want to be healthier without cigarettes then start exercising. Sport is one of the healthy healthy activity that also could restore the functions of the organs of your body to be able to be normal again after you become a smoker.
Consultation With Doctor
One of your motivation to stop smoking course for health reasons is not it? If you really want to be healthier without cigarettes then start exercising. Sport is one of the healthy healthy activity that also could restore the functions of the organs of your body to be able to be normal again after you become a smoker.
Consultation With Doctor
Hold Your Desire
Every time you feel the urge to smoke, wait 5 minutes before you turn it on. On the next day extended to 10 minutes and so on. This way your body will realize that the longer the urge to smoke will dissipate over time.
Every time you feel the urge to smoke, wait 5 minutes before you turn it on. On the next day extended to 10 minutes and so on. This way your body will realize that the longer the urge to smoke will dissipate over time.
Stop Gradual
To completely separated from the smoking addiction you should do it gradually. Do not just stop completely. Due to reduce smoking gradually then we can control the mind ourselves if the body gradually no longer needs nicotine from day to day. As an example: If you spend a day usually 1 pack of cigarettes, then try a day you simply consume half a pack, then 6 rods and so on until you can completely out of the habit of smoking.
To completely separated from the smoking addiction you should do it gradually. Do not just stop completely. Due to reduce smoking gradually then we can control the mind ourselves if the body gradually no longer needs nicotine from day to day. As an example: If you spend a day usually 1 pack of cigarettes, then try a day you simply consume half a pack, then 6 rods and so on until you can completely out of the habit of smoking.
Good luck!! Remember smoking is a trigger of some deadly diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, adverse effects for the birth, emphysema, and also can inhibit the process of repair and growth of muscle.
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